Massive Heart attacks found now a days likes Sushmita Sen

Massive Heart attacks found now a days likes Sushmita Sen

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 Hello everyone! I would like to discuss an important issue regarding heart attacks in young and fit individuals. Recently, Sushmita Sen, a well-known celebrity, suffered from a heart attack and had a stent placed. While I am not familiar with the medical history of celebrities, I have noticed a common trend of increased heart attacks in both young and fit individuals. In order to understand why this is happening, it is important to understand what a heart attack is and how it occurs. The heart relies on a constant blood supply to function properly, which is provided by the blood vessels surrounding it. However, when the blood flow to the heart is compromised or stopped, the heart does not receive enough blood which can result in a heart attack. The blood vessels to the heart are like pipelines, and when they become blocked by cholesterol plaques, it can lead to heart attacks. To prevent heart attacks, we need to identify the causes of these cholesterol plaques. Two important hormones to consider are insulin and cortisol. When insulin is not functioning properly, blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and cholesterol levels increase, which can cause cholesterol to deposit in blood vessels, further blocking circulation to the heart. If we can improve insulin function by reducing blood pressure, glucose, and cholesterol levels, we can decrease the risk of heart attacks. While many people are aware of this information, the question remains: why do fit individuals still suffer from heart attacks?

The focus has always been on the connection between overweight belly fat and metabolic syndrome with diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels. While insulin plays a crucial role, cortisol is the "mother of all hormones" that controls all hormonal actions. When cortisol levels are high due to stress, the body secretes glucose, increases cholesterol levels, and raises blood pressure levels, creating the same dangerous triad of metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia. This can occur even in individuals who are fit and not overweight. Therefore, it is essential to decrease cortisol levels regardless of weight or body type. In India, the problem is exacerbated because we are born with a manufacturing defect - smaller coronary blood vessels - which leads to a higher likelihood of blockages. When celebrities such as Sushmita Sen, who appears fit and has six-pack abs, suffer from heart attacks, it sends the message that there is no point in exercising or controlling one's diet because heart attacks will happen regardless. However, this is not true, and we must take steps to improve our heart health.

We should control our diet and exercise regularly to avoid being stupid. Neglecting our diet and avoiding the gym is unwise, particularly because we are already at a disadvantage with smaller blood vessels supplying the heart. It is crucial to control the modifiable risk factors that are under our control, such as managing our diet, going to the gym, and reducing cortisol levels. This means we need to manage the factors that we can change, such as our diet, exercise, and stress levels. These are called modifiable risk factors. Diet is more important than exercise; it accounts for 80% of our health, while exercise is only 20%. Some people think that the Covid vaccine causes heart damage and leads to heart attacks. But whether you support the vaccine or not, you should know that it has saved lives and prevented serious infections. It has also been proven that Covid infection can inflame the heart and cause myocarditis. Many people have been exposed to Covid and may have mild inflammation of their heart without knowing it. If this is true, then we need to strengthen our bodies by controlling the modifiable risk factors even more. How can we do that? We should keep our insulin levels high-quality and low-quantity, and reduce our cortisol levels as much as possible. If you have belly fat or are overweight or obese, you should not eat anything late at night, preferably after 7 PM or 8 PM at the latest. This will help you control your insulin level and quality.

 We value our emotions a lot in our culture. We don’t care about ourselves but we take good care of our family. We look after our spouse and our kids but we ignore ourselves. So I am asking you to do something for me: if you have a loved one or a family member who has diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels, this means they have insulin resistance which means their insulin is not working well. So please make them fast for at least 12 hours every day; they should not eat anything after 7 PM and then their next meal should be at 7 AM in the morning; and also make them meditate for at least 12 minutes every day; if they are healthy they don’t have any problems at all even then they need to do these things too. I promise you that if you make your loved ones fast for 12 hours and meditate for 12 minutes every day their heart will thank you; if you eat at 7 PM go to bed at 10 PM and wake up at 6 AM I promise you that all of us will live healthier longer lives; remember one step at a time - every effort counts! see you next time.

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